- 700 grams of anchovies or anchovies
- 1 kilogram of coarse salt
- q.s. purified sea water

Preservation of fresh anchovies in salt
1) Remove the head of the anchovies from the fingers and pulling it towards the belly, to extract the entrails at the same time. To give more flavor to salted anchovies lung pass your thumb through the belly of the fish to remove all the soft parts.
2) Put the anchovies in a large bowl and wash them with purified sea water to remove any residues or traces of blood. Then arrange them to dry on a few sheets of absorbent paper.
3) Sprinkle coarse salt on the bottom of the glass jar. Then arrange the first layer of anchovies, tightly together to completely cover the surface without leaving gaps, compact well with your hands and cover with a generous layer of coarse salt. Continue to form thin layers and fill the arborel leaving about 2 cm free from the edge, which you will fill with salt.
4) Place a disc of baking paper on the edge of each jar and put a wooden stopper or a coffee saucer so that everything is pressed well. Place something heavy on it (rocks, full water bottles). Place a bowl under the jar to catch excess liquids and store underweight in a cool, dark place for about 2 months. Discard the liquid from time to time in the bowl without ever discarding the liquid that is on the surface n
5) After the indicated time, your ready. Remove from the jar with a fork, desalt them, remove the bone and use them as an ingredient in recipes or put them in oil in glass jars.
1) In order not to take risks with the Anisakis fish parasite, it is preferable to buy anchovies cut down before consuming them. For salted anchovies 12 hours from capture (the parasite cannot penetrate the fish muscles in a few hours).
2) Anchovies should never be washed with fresh water they get moldy. They can only be washed with purified which you can find from your trusted fishmonger; otherwise they should not be washed! Information on preserving in salt for anchovies
Preserving fish in salt is the ideal method to keep it intact for a long time, because the magnesium contained in the crystals does not make them dissolve in contact with the liquid that forms spontaneously in the vessels.